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The Plight of Palestine On The Quds Day

The Plight of Palestine On The Quds Day

Dr. Maqsood Jafri
The earth is quivering and eclipsed is the Sun.
Whose petal like bodies are smashed with the roaring guns?
Instead of water; blood is gushing from the rocky stones.
The shrieks of youth are heard from the rattling bones.
The Palestinian freedom fighters with stones,
Combat the ferocious wretched goons.
Is the world conscience sleep or is dead?
You can see the blood of youth in the roses red.
The predators with uncouth demonic designs,
Sever the roots of peace and burn the shrines.
A lad and a lass are bestially murdered.
But the passionate zealots have not surrendered.
Israeli is pacing like an unbridled steed,
Needs to be harnessed, slowing down its speed.
The day of glorious victory will dawn soon,
And the opaque night will be brightened with the shining Moon.
April 28, 2022


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