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Pakistan in Permanent Crisis

Pakistan in Permanent Crisis

Dr. Maqsood Jafri
A few years ago in Islamabad, in a conference, I had said: “ Some of the respected speakers have reiterated that Pakistan is running through a serious crisis. I agree with them but kindly permit me to say that Pakistan is always at critical juncture and running through crisis because we have no economic and political system. As a nation , we are clutched and fastened with a clove hitch of feudalism, capitalism, sectarianism, parochialism, tribalism and regimentalism”. I further, in a light mood said: “ We must whisper in the every newly born child that unfortunately, he is born in a country which is always running through odd times and critical crisis and now through out his life, he will have to bear the brunt of being born in this embattling and choking country .” I still remember there was an outburst of laughter in the audience and big clapping as they took my joke seriously.

Pakistan in Permanent Crisis

 I had been suggesting a few revolutionary steps personally and through columns to my friends who were at the helm of affairs, but to no avail as the rulers belong to elite class and they only hoodwink the poor and illiterate masses. They change parties and brazenly Join a political party which offers him ministry. Their aim of life is to become a minister. I had been very particular in suggesting to end feudalism in Pakistan. Once, Mr. Imran Khan invited me over a cup of tea and had an exclusive meeting with me for one hour on national issues. The Secretary General of PTI, Mr. Mairaj Khan was also present in the meeting. One day before our meeting, he visited me at my residence and gave me the message of Mr. Imran Khan for the meeting with him which took place the very next day in his Party office in Islamabad. The first proposal, I gave him was to weed out feudalism, when he came into power. He gave me his manifesto and said, If he gets power, he will end feudalism. Could he eradicate this vicious cycle and system during his three and a half years governance? He could not even he had wished so , as the politicians belong to elite feudal class. In this vile and vicious system, no body can touch them. Only a true Man of the masses is required to change this spurious system. Now, our economy is in shambles. One dollar is of Rs 250. It is tantamount to complete national disaster and economic collapse. If we want to save our country from hazards, we will have to take stringent radical measures. 
 The following measures must be taken to get rid of social, economic and political ills and evils.

1- Political Stability is essential for economic growth and prosperity. The present political parties and politicians have no plan for political reforms. They are the beneficiaries of elitism. They take advantage of the poverty and illiteracy of people. They want people to remain poor and illiterate as it is in their benefit. The Supreme Court should take the notice of this national issue and decree that no non - graduate can contest the election of Provincial Assembly, National Assembly and Senate. No non- matriculate can cast vote in the assembly elections. In this way, we can bring some positive change in our present political system. In America and Europe, basic education is free and compulsory. So every one has basic education and no one is illiterate. We have majority of illiterate people, hence they have no vision about political matters. 
2- Pakistan is an agrarian country. Only land reforms won’t solve the issue. Land must be nationalized. According to the Quran: الارض للّٰہ ( Land belongs to God), and it can not be owned by any individual. Dr. Allama Iqbal in his poetry and statements clearly propounded that feudalism is un- Islamic. In one of his Persian poem he says: “ The capitalist makes gems out of the blood of the laborers and by cruelty, the land lords loot the produce of the farmers, hence, Revolution is required”. We depend on foreign funds and IMF loans. No country can survive on loans. We appoint Finance Ministers on the instructions of IMF. That finance minister is consigned this job who is an expert beggar and is successful in getting more loans from IMF. Even the ex- bankers are made Finance Ministers. Today, our boat is sinking. It is the matter of shame for us that all civil and military governments have failed in taking our wrecked skiff to the shore of safety and solidarity. The Chief of Army, General Qamar Javaid Bajwa had to call the Americans to help us out from this deplorable economic crisis by exerting influence on IMF. Our economy has gone to such an ebb level that the Chief of Army in national internet had to intervene. Unless, we take revolutionary steps to enhance our agricultural and industrial structure, we will remain hand to mouth and will never able to control dearness. The skyrocketing prices have broken the back bone of the middle class. I envision bloody revolution. Some foreign powers want to damage and destroy Pakistan. The imminent danger of bloodshed and bloodbath will be the last nail in the coffin of our national solidarity. To avoid this horrendous and horrific National tragedy, all patriots are beseeched to take active part in educating the public to safeguard Pakistan. 
3- We need tribal, racial and religious harmony. It is a serious front that needs our serious attention. Particularly, the sectarian issues must be dealt with carefully, wisely and cautiously. Religion is a serious and personal matter. We must avoid sectarian extremism and violence. Majority of our Mullahs ( clerics) are hardliners, professional , retrogressive , sectarian and aggressive. Government must take strong and stringent measures to curb and contain sectarianism. Every sectarian is free to sit on the pulpit and deliver hate -speech. No one is there to check them. The hold of religious parties on politics is inflammatory and impairing for National unity and solidarity. The mosques are being used for discord, division and deleterious purposes. The government agencies are advised to immediately take action against sectarian hardliners.
 I strongly appeal to all patriots to actively take part in National matters. Our government officials are mercenaries. They lack missionary zeal and zest. Though exceptions are always there. Most of them are career stricken slaves. They are opportunists. They are not protected properly by law and are bound to surrender before the prevalent evil system. They need to be protected by courts from the hazards of senior arrogant and conscienceless officials. Justice must prevail.No justice means no solidarity. 
4- The most important aspect to maintain law and order is the fair and speedy justice in our courts. Bribery is the order of the day. Our custom, tax, revenue and police departments are minting money. There is no check on them. The Anti- corruption departments are called by people as Pro- corruption departments. The courts are the last resort. If people will not get justice from the courts, then be ready for total collapse or bloodshed. May Allah save Pakistan. 
July 31, July 
Note: It will be appreciated if this write up is forwarded to people on your WhatsApp and Facebook or press for creating patriotic and national awareness in Pakistanis). 


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