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As a social worker, you are very active

 As a social worker, you are very active

Dear Ms. Kanwal Hayat,
It was very nice of you when you visited me and took my exclusive interview a few years ago. As a social worker, you are very active. I appreciate your commitment to human rights. You post of today condemns the attack of armed Israeli police on the defenseless Palestinians who were praying in al- Aqsa mosque. It is very heart wrenching. The Israeli State Terrorism is backed by its masters. The Muslims only pray for their freedom and practically do nothing to contain and curb aggression. These matters will not be solved by prayers. We have to unite , enhance and strengthen our military and arsenal power to liberate Palestine and Kashmir. Muslims have three ailments. First; they have no scientific and rational mind set and lag behind in science and technology. Second; they are busy in sectarian, juristic and historical differences. They are under the influence of clerics( Mullahism) and Sufism. Third; they are under the stone wall of monarchy and dictatorship. They have no democratic system and mindset. Theses kings are the stooges of Western imperialism and America. They don’t let the Muslims unite. Under the circumstances, no hope of freedom and dignified life. The only remedy of our issues is Self- reliance. All Muslim countries must end monarchy, Mysticism and sectarianism and modern scientific culture must prevail. There is an Arabic maxim: الحدید یقطع الحدید( Iron cuts the iron). But it is highly tragic that the Arabs wants to cut Iron with silk. They are badly mistaken. The kings and clergymen are on one page in exploiting the wretched Muslims who are dogmatic and irrational. 
Dr. Maqsood Jafri
May 3, 2022
( It is shared to promote pragmatic, democratic and rational mindset in all humans world over).


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