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The Message Of Islam : An Inductive Approach To The Study Of Islam

The Message Of Islam : An Inductive Approach To The Study Of Islam

" The Message Of Islam" is a philosophical treatise intrinsically drafted by Dr Maqsood Jafri, a scholar from Pakistan, wherein the latter divulges the need for interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims not to spread bloodshed but to let justice prevail, which is the Message of all religions without exception. He strongly opined that Islam is a religion of Peace, Love, Justice, Rationality that ponders over fundamental principles to preserve balance and equilibrium in human society. Islam, by the same token, as a scientific and inductive study is imbided with intellect, logical reasoning, denouncing all deductive approach, superstition, and abstractions in tackling the spiritual, and the philosophical discourse.

 Jafri, thus, calls for an objective, serious, rational enquiry or quest of the Holy Quran to prove that the " Message Of Islam" strongly condemns bloodshed and aggression, and advocates peace, brotherhood, and humanism. Islam is highly inductive, and based on spiritualism, individualism, nationalism, humanism, justice, love, equality, respect for all the other religious discourses, and harshly censures sectarianism, staunch and stern religious fanatics and extremists.

As the great British Mathematician and Philosopher Bertrand Russel boldly and aptly puts it, in his famous book entitled " Mysticism & Logic":

" The greatest men who have been philosophers have felt the need for both science and mysticism the attempt to harmonise the two was what made their life, and what always must for all its arduous uncertainty, make philosophy, to some minds, a greater thing than either science or religion. "

Echoing Bertrand Russel's quote, in chapter " Islam and Mysticism" page 90 dr Maqsood Jafri acknowledged that" Mysticism is a branch of Islamics, and is a super knowledge of the spirit", which is of a tantamount importance to the logical, analytical, intellectual scrutiny into the spirit of Islam. He added that the scientific approach to religion must be based on logical reasoning, and consequently, invites " Ijtihad" that is to say, an intellectual exercise that endorses a serious, far- reaching, genuine, authentic study of the Holy Quran. In the meantime, Dr Jafri coined the expression " Islamization of knowledge " with the view to provide a noble, peaceful, and righteous human values. He, likewise, suggested what he called" the Islamization of culture".

Maqsood Jafri wholeheartedly opines that " The Message Of Islam ", is that 
" Scientific inquiry and research which are made obligatory. " P122 "Islamic Concept Of Education " Unlike the Greek Philosphers like Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates who granted supremacy to abstractions, and where the enquiry was fully deductive the muslims introduced an inductive method which is analytical and scientific. All of the prophets namely Abraham, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammed( Peace be upon them ) provided humankind with law, and a code of life. They, thus, preached brotherhood, justice, freedom, equality, and peace. Prophets were champions of human rights in Dr jafri 's words, for they decried tyrants, extremists, oppression, and aggression, and call for Peace, Mercy, and unconditional love. According to Jafri the forthcoming centuries must see divinity through humanity. For him, it is humanity the true mission and the true Message against tyranny, dictatorship, etc. . 
He also deplores sufism which is based on religious and fanatic dogma, and favours the moderate, humane, and loving conduct, and showed that many sufi mystics contributed to the conversion of people to Islam in the sub - Sahara Africa, South Asia, and Central Asia. Islam, therefore, has a logical discourse to spread its message, castigating coercion and oppression. 

Maqsood Jafri is strongly convinced that to spread the " Message Of Islam" we need to foster and boost the ideology of Islam that is fresh, and ever growing.

We need to encourage scientific and philosophical study in the light of both Quran and Sunnah. We need to propound " Ijtihad ( intellectual exercise " ) on modern issues. Like the Bible and the Torah, Dr Jafri stoutly asserted that the Holy Quran mentioned both Moses and Jesus who have been given much reverence. The Noble Quran both honours their message and mission, and has never been blasphemous about Moses and Jesus. By the same token, Dr Jafri solidly professes that "the Message Of Islam" adheres to the interfaith dialogue, and fosters mutual respect and tolerance as it says :

" For you your religion and for me ( my religion)

The Holy Quran is, thus, a book of law, wisdom, system, code and miracles. According to Jafri, it is a serious, and a designed plan of Allah. He added it is not a joke, it is not a game, it is not a mirage. It is a scientific and organized world. It has a purpose. 
It has a mission. ( p199)

With all my respects to Dr Jafri, and his subsequent views. I believe that the principles and commandments of Islam are based on five pillars which are : shahadatayn, prayer, zakat ( Alimony), fasting, and Hajj.

In Surat Nisaa for example verse 166 exactly it says " Yet, if you are denied, a Prophet, Allah bears witness to what he has sent down to you. He has sent it with His knowledge. The Angels too bear witness. And Allah alone is sufficient as a witness. "

Likewise there are various verses in the Holy Quran that testify that the pillar of Shahadatayn is a " compulsory pillar " and no one can claim to be a muslim without pronouncing this pillar. Many believers, for example, who were caught during battles of " ouhod " and " gazouet khandak" between sinners and followers of the Holy Prophet were tortured, molested, slaughtered, and died while pronouncing " shahadatayn". 

"The Message Of Islam " by Dr Jafri paves the way for this highly intellectual audience, and gives vent for this immediate need to indulge in this intellectual exercise to take part in the inter faith dialogue, boosts both the scientific and analytical study of the Holy Quran, and invites rational philosphers who are humane, and moderate, in their mindset to help in interpreting, and analyzing the Holy Book by applying an inductive approach, acknowledging its highest wisdom, intellect, system, and code of life and thus echoing once again Bertrand Russel's words :

" Making philosophy, to some minds, a greater thing than either science or 
religion. " 

By Hela Jenayah Tekali

On Dr Maqsood Jafri's " The Message Of Islam"


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