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Relationship Between The Renaissance In Italy And The Muslims in Spain

Relationship Between The Renaissance In Italy And The Muslims in Spain

Dear Ms. Hela Tekali 
You have sought my opinion about the relationship between the Renaissance in Italy and the Muslims in Spain , as far as Art and philosophy and religion are concerned. Very briefly, I would like to comment that Italian Renaissance promoted decorative Arts, sculptor, painting, Philosophy, literature, music, scientific enhancement, scientific outlook, and technology. Period beginning in the late 13th century and flourishing from the early 15th to 16th century. “Renaissance Human philosophy” and “Renaissance Arts” increased awareness of Nature, a revival of classical learning and a more individualistic views of man. In many parts of Europe, the early Renaissance art was created in parallel with Late Medieval art. Renaissance promoted rationalism, liberalism, secularism, humanism and universalism through paintings, arts, literature and philosophy. During Renaissance, great advances occurred in the realm of Science and technology. The invention of printing press democratized learning and allowed a faster propagation of new ideas. Marie Boas Hall coined the term “Scientific Renaissance” to designate the early phase of the scientific revolution.

   It is interesting to note that the impact of the Muslim rule in Spain cast much influence in the formation and development of Italian Renaissance. The Muslim rule in Spain brought rapid changes to Spanish society and no section and aspect of life was left untouched. The culture of “ Andalusia”/ Spain was one of the great civilizations in the Medieval World, and its culture and art influenced both Europe and the Arab world. Spain was conquered by the Muslims in the 9th century, and it is commonly held that they transformed Spanish society. They promoted Arts and Science. They maintained harmony and religious co- existence with the Jews and Christians. There was no religious persecution and racial discrimination during the Muslim rule in Spain. Even today, the Muslim era of civilization of Spain is highly regarded as one of the world’s great cultures. It enriched both, the Europeans and the Middle Eastern civilizations and this makes it unique.

   The relation between the Italian Renaissance and the Spanish mode of culture is intertwined as the former is an offshoot of the later. Great British philosopher Bertrand Russell writes that when the Europe was sung into darkness, the Muslim Spain was a brightened advanced state, wherein knowledge prospered. The impact of the epoch of Muslim Spain is glorious , glossy and glaring. Alas; today, we lag behind in Science and enlightenment. We need rational outlook of life and scientific approach towards cosmos. 
Dr. Maqsood Jafri 
New York 
April 2, 2022


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