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Struggle is necessary to bring Change

Struggle is necessary to bring Change.
From Douniya Ghori

Dear Uncle Jafri 

I am glad to see your valuable and well elaborated response on the statement regarding tranquility , satisfaction, and peace of mind.

Before going to say anything on your views i would like to appreciate and admire your visionary and thought provoking writings as you already know i always get inspired by your writing expression either it's your Books, Poems, Verses or columns etc.
You are an Eminent Writer, Poet, Philosopher and a Great Human Being who is humble, Down to earth, kind and Genuine Soul and your wisdom is something which adds "Four Moons" to your Personality MashaALLAH.

I always get to learn something Good from you and i take it as a blessing.

I must say we really need people like you who clear out the blurr vision of others with their significant literary stuff, it is indeed a Sadqa e Jariya which you are doing.

You shed light on the very important aspect which is definitely needs to be acknowledged and understood by the common people "if there is no struggle there is no progress"

We must strive to become better day by day and look for progress by all means, you have said it rightly that we must learn and grow by seeking opportunities this is the dilemma of common people that they just stuck and don't struggle for the betterment that's the root cause nations suffer as we became reluctant to do something which is out of our comfort zone.

You pointed out the valid point here by reminding us not to forget the HOLY QURAN and ISLAM sayings on the matter which is very clear and obvious too.

Constantly my admiration for your keen observation and intellectual is increased by your significant Examples, you raise the point regarding Tadbeer (Plan) and Taqdeer (Fate) what a remarkable combination of Tadbeer and Taqdeer is identified by you.

We need to understand this concept deeply if whatever has been written in Fate so, we might not need to do "Dua" and struggle for anything in life too as whatever is in our fate we will get it but ALLAH SWT gave us this life not to sit idle and ruin like this i agree with you regarding Muslims as they lag behind the race in the world because of the bounded mentality we did not learn, we did not progress, we did not strive for betterment and excellence we are simply stuck on the petty issues while world has reach to stars and clouds.The most painful thing in all this Scenario which actually hurts me the most that ISLAMIC TEACHINGS, CONCEPTS AND IDEOLOGY is neglected by Muslims and the other societies are using them and getting benefits for the betterment as a whole. The blame is not the Religion, but rather the Muslim People themselves, by not Understanding what the Quran actually says: Sacrifice, Effort must be made in life for a better Future.

Struggle is necessary to bring Change.

You pointed out the aspect of feudalism in Pakistan this is excatly the feudal mindset which is destroying us like anything

Some serious and honest Self-Reflection is the need of the hour.Each one of us should look deep into our minds and souls yo rectify and redress the wrongs we have beeb doing to our Beloved Country knowingly or unknowingly. 

Kind Regards
Blessings and Prayers for you.


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