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Husnain Nazish is my friend. He had kindly given me his travelogue to China.

Husnain Nazish is my friend. He had kindly given me his travelogue to China

Husnain Nazish is my friend. He had kindly given me his travelogue to China. His style of writing is very inspiring and interesting. I spend some time in New York and some time in Islamabad. American society is a capitalist society. It has good and bad points. Most of the people are addicted to wine and women. There are many cheats and swindlers around. Prostitution is legally prohibited but freedom of sexual relations with consent is permitted. Over all majority is hand to mouth. There are twenty percent people who are rich and enjoy life. But one thing that goes to the credit of America, the police and courts provide justice. There is no concept of nepotism ,and bribery. The institution work on merit while Pakistan is a corrupt country. Every evil can be found in Pakistan. Police, courts, politicians , bureaucrats and rulers are morally and financially corrupt. Educated people are jobless. Young girls are prostitutes. Adultery, adulteration, and bribery is common. I wish, we can make Pakistan a welfare and progressive state based on the universal principles of justice.


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