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Comments On The Poetry And Pic of Shakespeare on WhatsApp

Comments On The Poetry And Pic of Shakespeare on WhatsApp

Dear Nick Marco, 
I have read your comments on the poetry and pic of Shakespeare on WhatsApp. I would like to share my personal views about him. I had taught the plays of William Shakespeare Hamlet and King Lear for years at university level in Pakistan. My essay on his poetry is included in my book titled “ Testament of Truth”. His Sonnets and plays exhibit human nature, and his characters reveal unforgettable lessons about society, human desire and behavior with the spectrum of effects of vice and virtue. He has left indelible traces of the pavement of universal literature. He is one of my favorite poets. In 1992, I visited his grave in Trinity Church and got my pic there. Though, the photography is impermissible there, when I told the arch priest I am a poet, he closed his eyes and permitted me one pic. My friend Ch. Rashid, he lives in Birmingham had accompanied me and he got my pic. Later this pic was published in my English poetry book titled Seeds of Sanity. Even today, I heartily cherish that historical visitation at the grave of Shakespeare with proud privilege. 
Dr. Maqsood Jafri
New York 
March 26, 2022


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