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Young Kashmiri Poet Who Writes Fascinating Poetry in English

Young Kashmiri Poet Who Writes Fascinating Poetry in English

Shahrukh Shafi is a Kashmiri young poet who writes fascinating poetry in English. He lives in Srinagar. His youthful aspirations are like daisies which face the bright visage of the soothing but scorching Sun of Love. His lyres swing around the orbit of human beauty. Basically, he is the poet of Love but occasionally, we find sub and sorrow in his pensive and positive ditties on violence around and violation of human rights. His impassioned poems are the cry of his hyper sensitive heart. His pen is facile and meditations humanistic , fraternal and universal. As he lives in the valley of Kashmir, which is known as a heaven on earth, he seems engrossed and enchanted by the snow clad mountains, lush green fields, sky rocketing plateaus, fascinating fountains and dancing ripples. He is intoxicated by the wine of human beauty. He is a lover and expresses his intense love passions in his heart captivating lays. Besides, the poet of Love, he can be called the poet of Nature because his soul seems stirring by the natural beauty of Kashmir.

William Wordsworth took refuge in the study of Nature

        Robert Frost in a poem titled “ The Vantage Point”, writes: “ If tired of trees, I seek again mankind.” William Wordsworth took refuge in the study of Nature. His chosen task was the study of books and brooks. Donald Hall, who was once the poet laureate of America , in a poem titled “ Love is like Sounds” writes:” Late Snow Fell this Morning in Spring. “ Geoffrey Chaucer in “ Canterbury Tales”, regards the mission of poetry , the Study of Man. In the poetry of Shahrukh Shafi, we find intensity of love and protest on the violation of human rights as well. His poetry is like two edged sword. He can be regarded as the poet of Love and Life.

Love her like this’ or don’t love at all

   His poem titled “ Love her like this’ or don’t love at all“ depicts his notion of love. It is a pure romantic poem. He writes:” Love her till you become one in soul and the flesh.” He desires union of soul and body which is very rare. It is idealism. But this idealism is an ardent desire of every person. Lord Byron was inquisitive for the union of bodies. Byronic love has become a phrase in literature. Plato believed in the union of souls. Platonic love is also a phrase which discards esoteric , lustful and sensual aspirations for pure and permanent love. In Persian and Urdu poetry, we find great masters who negated and rejected physical union between lover and beloved. Mir Taqi Mir says:

“ Even the dust of Mir remained away from her depicting reverence for her as you can not achieve this apex of respect for your beloved with out Pure Love.”

Then an other great poet of Urdu Hasrat Mohani says:

“ If you look at her, then look from distance; the pure love does not disgrace beauty.” 
The Poets like Byron believe in sensuous relations with the beloved. Mirza Ghalib and Ahmed Faraz are much known for this type of love. Mirza Ghalib says:

“ Slapping was not the habit of that pretty charming sweet heart; one day I advanced and crossed the limits.”

Shahrukh Shafi belongs to the group of lovers. He is neither Platonic nor Byronic. He is in the camp of Tennyson, who regarded the union of soul and body imperative with his beloved. So Shahrukh Shafi is Tennysonian. In an other poem titled “ My beloved, we will Meet”, he rejects all alterations and adulterations  in love. He abhors the color, gender, class, creed and credo discrimination and identity in love. His love is universal. As a human being , he loves all humans. It is the highest pinnacle that a man can achieve. In a poem titled “ Paint me with Pastels of Love”, he calls her beloved as a Rose. The fragrance of a human rose has bewitched him. John Donne had called his beloved : “ O, my America”. It is a conceit. But Shahrukh Shafi has used a simile. Her beloved is red , soft and odorous like a fresh rose. There are many poems written by him that exhibit his intense passion for the elf of beauty. John Keats is known as a poet of beauty. Beauty is the pure wine that infatuates the lovers and they in the spontaneous moments of inspiration sing the songs of love. Shahrukh Shafi is one of them. 
Dr. Maqsood Jafri 
February 26, 2022
New York 


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