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What Is Allergy : Allergy Symptoms And Treatment

Allergy Symptoms And Treatment 

 There are many such problems in human life that human beings have to face. Some problems take the form of serious illness and some problems are cured by timely treatment. One such problem is the problem of allergies. Allergy is such a problem that once a person gets it, it keeps on happening again and again in life.

 In some cases the person also gets rid of the allergy but in some cases this problem remains for life. Allergy is a problem that occurs in our body as a reaction to unwanted things. Which sometimes takes a serious form like asthma allergy. Allergens can be avoided by staying away from the elements, so let's know about allergies.

What is allergy

It is a type of skin reaction, which usually gives its reaction against substances such as a particular food, clothing or medicine etc. Allergens are allergens that are made from objects outside the body. Allergies can happen to any person, adults as well as children, but it has been seen many times that if children have allergies, they go away as they grow up, but there are some allergies that last a lifetime. The trouble persists.

Allergy causes

 Although most of the cases are minor which can be completely controlled, but some become serious as well which we should be aware of. Someone is allergic to a particular food item, someone is allergic to the changing season, someone is allergic to dust mites and there are many reasons for this which cause the problem of allergy. An allergy is the body's reaction to a substance or product that it perceives as a harmful invader.

Symptoms Of Allergy

 For example pollen dust mites and any animal or all are those things which do not bother us. But some people may have physical problems like allergies due to exposure to these things. Some people develop allergies from exposure to smoke. If there is difficulty in breathing, if the problem persists, then there is also the fear of getting a disease like asthma. An allergic person sneezes a lot. There is itching in the nose, red rash forms in the body.

 Redness can also be seen in the eyes. In rare cases, allergies can lead to a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock, which can be life-threatening. It affects the whole body and it starts developing within the body within a few minutes after coming in contact with the allergenic substances. Allergies become a serious problem.

Nasal allergy symptoms.


 runny nose

 Watery eyes or itching in eyes.

 Symptoms of throat allergy
 Itching in the throat or ear holes.
 Clogged ears, earache.
 Pain in throat and ear.

 Symptoms of Asthma Allergy
 Mucus coming from the mouth.
 Difficulty in breathing and cough etc.
 Symptoms of stomach allergy
 Abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea etc.
 Abdominal pain, gas, constipation.

 Symptoms of skin allergy

 Dry red or dry skin.
 Itching on the skin.
 Having red rash.

 Common symptoms of allergies
 Turning of the skin or lips blue.
 Swelling of lips, tongue, eyes or face
 Feeling like sneezing, cough and cold.

 Types of Allergies

 Food Allergies – Food allergies are allergies to foods. To whom some food items are not suitable for the person like milk, brinjal, wheat, black gram etc.

 Skin allergy – This eczema is caused due to exposure to allergens and foods. Due to this allergy, symptoms like dry skin, itching with red rash, etc. are found.

 Hives Allergy – This allergy is characterized by itching, swelling and rash on the skin due to food, poisonous insect bites, drugs.

 Dust allergy – This allergy is caused by dust or soil, animal dander. Sometimes spore fungi also become the cause.

 Insect Allergy – This allergy is caused by some kind of kit sting like bee, mosquito bite.
 Seasonal Allergies – These allergies are caused by the change in weather. During this time, due to weak immunity, there is a feeling like sneezing, cough, stuffy nose and mild cold.

 Allergy to medicine – This occurs due to over-consumption of medicines or sometimes a medicine is not suitable for the body. Which side effects are seen.

 Although there is no exact information about the reasons that develop allergies, but there are some substances that usually cause an allergic reaction.

 Bites by bees or other insects.

 Certain foods, including shellfish and cereals.
 Some medicines like penicillin aspirin etc. Some types of plant pollen or mildew etc. Dust mites.
 Any unwanted thing such as a medicine or other enters the body which contains a compound called histamine in our body which becomes allergic due to movement in our blood. In such a situation, antibodies are an effective solution.

 Mold spores – Fine particles released from molds can cause allergic reactions in some people. Taking care of a few things can help in preventing them. For example, plants should not be planted under the roof of the house.
 Do not dry clothes inside the house.
 Do not allow moisture to enter the cupboards kept inside the house.

 Allergy to food items – Eat only home cooked food as much as possible. If you eat outside food in any compulsion etc., then keeping the allergy in mind, get food prepared for yourself.

 Pollen fever – Allergy caused by pollen is called pollen fever. This happens when small particles of trees, plants and grass etc. get mixed in the air. Pollen fever can be controlled by taking care of some things like –

 Use full-covering glasses to protect and protect the eyes.
 If you have gone out somewhere, then after coming home take a bath and change clothes.

 Try to avoid walking in grassy areas.
 Do not go to parks, fields etc.

When to go to the doctor if you have allergies?

 If the problem of allergy has increased, then it should never be taken lightly. If you have had allergy problems for more than 3 months, you have a runny or stuffy nose, sinus problems, cough, watery eyes, these symptoms you are experiencing, or have trouble working, sleeping If there is trouble in sitting, etc., then the doctor must be seen.

 If some medicines have been consumed from the medical store and there is a problem of allergy with those medicines, then treatment is definitely needed.
 If there is a problem like sinus infection, headache and nasal congestion and ear infection, then a doctor must be seen.

Allergy test 

 If you have severe allergies or it is not clear what type of allergy you have, then an allergy test may be needed.
 For example, skin prick testing, skin prick test is one of the tests done for allergies. In this test, a drop of liquid of that substance is put in the patient's wrist, to which the patient is allergic, that drop is inserted in the wrist with the help of a needle, if the inserted substance is allergic to the patient, then within 15 minutes. Itchy or red bumps may appear inside. Skin prick testing is painless and very safe.

 Blood Test – For a blood test, a small amount of blood is taken out as a sample and specific antibodies are tested in it. Allergy in .

 Testing of spots – Patch test is done to check the type of skin allergy which can be caused due to exposure to skin allergens. Even small amounts of the suspected substance can cause allergies which can take the form of spots or patches on our body.

 Allergy Treatment

 If you see symptoms like itching and mild redness, blisters, blisters due to allergies in the body, then understand that there is a serious allergy. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to take care of some special things.
 Do not touch other parts of the body, especially the face.
 Wash the allergic area with soapy water for about 10 minutes.
 Take a quick bath once in contact.
 To get relief from itching, apply calamine or anti-itch lotion on the skin three to four times a day.
 Apply hydrocortisone cream to the areas suffering from inflammation and irritation.
 Keep your clothes and shoes clean and wash them daily with warm water.

 What to do if you are allergic to insect bite?

 Wash the place where the insect has bitten thoroughly with soap and then use antiseptic medicine on it.
 Apply calamine lotion to the area bitten by the kit and cover it with a bandage.
 If there is swelling in that place, then wrap ice in a cloth and apply it there.
 Take aspirin to ease the pain. In case of more problems, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately.

 How Long Can Allergies Last?

 Allergens can stay on the body for different periods of time. It may take a few hours to a few days for the allergy to go away. Sometimes the cause of allergy persists even after treatment. For example, allergies during the changing season.

Allergy Home Remedies

 Dust mites One of the biggest causes of allergies are dust mites, these are extremely small particles found in household items. By adopting some methods, we can reduce the number of these particles/insects.

 For example, do not lay as big and heavy thick carpets as possible in the house, always keep children's toys, teddy bears, etc. clean, always wash them in hot water. Always keep the pillows, curtains etc. of the house clean. When the dust blows, it directly enters the nose, due to which the air goes inside our nostrils, so avoid dry dust.

 Nowadays people are very fond of keeping some pets like dogs, cats etc. These animals also cause allergies. Do not allow pets in the bedroom as much as possible. Keep them out of the house. Make sure to bathe them once a week. Allergy in .

 Immunity is boosted by eating a spoonful of Vychanprashan in one or two drops of Shilajit with turmeric milk. Which gets rid of allergies.
 After cooking turmeric in water, when there is little water left, drinking milk mixed with it will get rid of allergies.

 Drinking a decoction of turmeric, ginger, basil and giloy will be beneficial.
 Drinking virgin coconut oil on an empty stomach in the morning gets rid of problems like allergies.

 Along with keeping the environment around you clean, stay away from things that cause allergies.
 If the allergy is happening to a food item, then the doctor may advise the patient to give up that particular food item to see the improvement in symptoms. After a few weeks, you may be asked to eat those foods again, to confirm whether or not those reactions happen again.


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