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The History of How Indonesia Became a Muslim-Majority Country

The History of How Indonesia Became a Muslim-Majority Country

It begun with the "Wali Songo" who spread Islam among the people and then the kings.

Sunan Kudus or Ja'far Shadiq Azmatkan was the wali.

His teachers: Kyai Telingsing (Chinese), Sunan Ampel, Ki Ageng Ngerang. He showed great tolerance when spreading Islam.

The first step Sunan Kudus took was to build a mosque. But he combines Islamic culture with local so that the shape of the mosque is similar to a temple.

During Eid al-Adha, Sunan Kudus showed extraordinary Islamic tolerance by forbidding Muslims from slaughtering cows out of respect for Hindus. Muslims slaughtered buffaloes instead. 

Over time, the Hindus sympathized with Islam and eventually converted to Islam. 

After establishing the mosque, Sunan Kudus made a place for ablution with 8 showers. That's because in Buddhism there are 8 teachings called Asta Sanghika Marga. Each shower is given a statue of Kebo Gumarang which is highly respected by Buddhists.

The Buddhists heard the news and entered the mosque area. Then Sunan Kudus explained what he meant and gave enlightenment about the religion of Islam, and then many flocked to embrace Islam.

Sunan Kudus in his lectures often reads Surah Al-Baqarah and drew more sympathy.

He always held a "dandangan" drum event before the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan. He and his students beat the drums to invite the congregation to the mosque, and then announced the first day of fasting after the congregation gathered in the mosque.

He is famous as a poet and composer of folk tales that contain monotheism. His famous works include the songs Gending Maskumambang and Mijil about the spirit of Islam.

Muslim Students Organisation of India (MSO)
_(An Apex Body of Indian Muslim Students & Youths)_


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