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Symptoms and remedies of kidney stones

Symptoms and remedies of kidney stones

Kidney stone is a disease of the kidney and urinary tract. In which small or large stones are formed inside the kidney. There may be one or more stones in the kidney at a time. In general, if the stones are small, they pass out of the body through the urinary tract without any problem.

If it is sufficiently large, then 2 or 3 mm in size, then it creates a blockage in the ureter. When such a situation arises. Then there is unbearable pain around the waist and abdomen. Usually this condition is found at the age of 30 to 60 years.

The formation of kidney stones is 4 times more in men than in women and stones are formed in the urinary tract. Kidney stones are formed in 10 out of 100 families in India. This is a painful condition. It is necessary to drink plenty of water. There are chances of kidney disease in diabetic disease. High blood pressure can lead to kidney failure if the disease is not controlled. So let's talk about kidney me pathari

Causes of kidney stones Kidney Stones Causes

For some reason, urine does not come out from the urinary canal, then that urine becomes thick. Due to which urinary stones are formed. First small grains are formed and later those small substances turn into stones. Its symptoms are not visible until it grows or causes pain in the urinary tract.

Lack of water is the main cause of stones.

Uric acid is a component of urine that requires a sufficient amount of water to dilute it. Otherwise, the urine becomes more acidic. This is the main reason for the formation of acidic stone in the kidney.

If vitamin D or calcium supplements are taken for a long time, the level of calcium in the body increases. Stones can occur even if the absorption of calcium in the body is low.

Apart from sitting in one place and obesity, stones can also occur due to high blood pressure.

Dehydration can also lead to stones due to lack of sufficient amount of water.

Family history i.e. if it has happened to anyone in the family, then there is some person in that family.

High protein diet increases the acid content of urine. Kidney stones can occur even if the amount of protein and sodium in the diet is high and calcium is low.

Bowel disorders, chronic diarrhoea, gastric problems, hyperthyroidism also result in excess formation of calcium in urine.

There can also be a problem of kidney stones if there is a thyroid. That's why it is necessary for us to get our examination done by a doctor once in a year.

Symptoms of kidney stone.

Kidney stones cause sudden sharp pain mainly in the lower back or sometimes in the lower abdomen. Which extends up to the joint area of ​​the abdomen and thigh. Sometimes it lasts for a few minutes or even hours. Intermittent rest is also available. Sometimes the person complains like nausea or vomiting with pain.

If there is an infection in the urinary system, then fever, shakiness. to sweat . Pain with urination.

Obstruction of urine or frequent frequent urination intermittently. The same symptoms are seen in the night like excessive urination etc.

Blood in urine. Pain in the testicles. Abnormal color of urine.

Most of the patients of kidney stone complain of unfathomable pain on the side of the stomach.

This pain is permanent. Sometimes it lasts for a few minutes and sometimes for a few hours. It is called Rylan Chromin. The main symptom of kidney stones.

If this stone stays in the body for a long time, then it also causes serious problems. urinary obstruction. Symptoms of kidney stones include pain around the urinary tract, blood in the urine, vomiting, nausea, decreased amount of urine, burning while urinating, frequent urge to urinate.

Types of Kidney Stones

There are mainly four types of kidney stones.

Calcium stone. Calcium oxalate

Most stones are of calcium. Which is in the form of calcium oxalate. Oxalate is found naturally in food. Occurs in greater form with some fruits and vegetables or also in nuts and chocolate. By taking more of it, calcium combines with other substances such as oxalate phosphate or carbonate to form stones.

Secreted Stone. struvite stone

It is caused by an infection in the urinary tract. Which obstructs the urinary tract. and occurs in the urinary tract. This stone increases rapidly in the urine. It is usually found in women.

Uric Acid Stone. uric acid stone

Which happens to those people who do not drink enough water. Eat high protein food. It occurs more in men than in women. Whose urine has a high amount of acid. People with cystinuria have the formation of chrystine stones. It is hereditary in both men and women.

 Sestine Stone. Cysteine ​​stone

It happens to few people. is a genetic disorder. In the case of a sestine stone, an acid called sesteine ​​leaks from the kidneys into the urine.

Kidney stones treatment

How to treat kidney stone. kidney stones treatment

The treatment of kidney stones depends on the size, location, number, structure of the stones. Doctors take into account the medical history and give medicine to pass the stone. If small stones are easily removed with medicine in 4/6 weeks. But if the stone is in the kidney or urethra, then it takes a serious form. If it increases, then treatment is necessary. Gurde me Pathari ka ilaj is done in the manner.

Shock wave lithotripsy. shock wave lithotripsy

In stone treatment, a machine litho printer is used to create hobby waves outside the body. Which passes through the body kills the kidney stone and breaks it into small pieces. These small pieces pass out through urine. After this procedure the patient can go home immediately and resume a normal routine.

 Ureteroscope. ureteroscopy

A fiber optic device called a ureteroscope is used in the treatment of stones. In this, a stent is placed inside the mesh bladder by a small telescope. By which the work of stopping is done to stop the swelling or inflammation. After this procedure, it takes two or three days for the patient to go home and do normal activities. If the stent is placed inside the patient's body, it is removed after a week or two.

Ureteroscopy A ureteroscope is used to look inside the urinary tract and kidney. A ureteroscope has an eyepiece at one end. There is a rigid flexible tube in the middle and a small lens and light in the other end of the tube. The urologist is able to see detailed pictures of the lining of the ureters and kidneys.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy

This therapy when the stones become located in large stones. Then it is done. A small cut is made. thereby allowing the wire to pass into the kidney.

The stone is viewed using a nephroscope and then broken into smaller pieces using a laser beam and then vacuum suction is used to remove the pieces of stone. After this, the patient has to be under observation for 24 hours. Thereafter he can resume his normal routine after 7 to 15 days.

Gallstone risk. Risks of Kidney Stones

If kidney stones are not treated at the right time, they can take a fatal form. Blockage of urinary duct. Due to blockage of ureters, passing urine becomes painful. Increased chance of infection. Urine blockage leads to urinary tract infection. It is necessary to go to the doctor and get treatment.

Stretching in the kidney. When the blockage occurs, the kidney gets stretched and painkillers are needed. Chances of kidney damage. If kidney stones are not treated at the right time, then kidney transplant is needed. Injury to the urinary duct. Due to stone, the urinary duct can become inflamed and cause internal injury.

How to prevent kidney stone

Kidney stones can happen to a person of any age. During this, a person has to face many risks. If a person follows the following things then he can avoid kidney stone.

 Drinking enough water

A person needs to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. If it is not possible to drink water, then he can also drink fruit juice. It is important to keep fluid in the body. Only then can we avoid kidney stone.

Eating low salt food

If someone has a stone problem then it is advisable to eat less salt food. Even if not, it is advisable to eat less salt food.

 Eating a diet rich in calcium

Calcium helps in fighting this problem in the body, so it is beneficial to eat calcium-rich food. Avoid Vitamin C Supplements – Vitamin C supplements can prove to be harmful. Taking an overdose can cause kidney stones.

Treatment of kidney stones without operation.

Kidney stones cause pain in the body. But when the size of the stone increases, then surgery is the last treatment. If the size of kidney stones is 1cm or smaller, then experts believe that it is possible to treat them without any operation. In this situation, doctors advise to drink more water along with the medicine so that the stones come out with urine when urine comes in excess.

Yes it is possible. Kulath ki dal is such a pulse that is no less than a panacea for stone. Because of the presence of many phytochemicals such as steroids, phenolic components, flavonoids and saponins present in it, scientific research has confirmed its diuretic as well as anti-urolithiasis properties. This is a kidney stones i.e. pathari ka gharelu ilaj.

How to drink water from Kulthi dal

During stones, instead of using Kulath ki dal in food, drinking water after boiling them is beneficial. But it is not as if the stones will come out overnight, you will have to drink water from Kulthi / Kulath lentils for 2 to 3 months. They don't have any side effects.

To drink the water of Kulath lentils, boil 25-30mg lentils in 200gm of water. Boil this dal till the water is one-fourth of the water. Now filter this 50 gm water after cooling with a cloth and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Keep in mind that consuming them regularly will be beneficial. You can also drink twice a day.

Conclusion - In today's era, the problem of kidney stones or stones has become a topic of discussion. It can happen to people of any age. Therefore it is necessary to drink more amount of water. It is important to eat calcium rich food. Do not consume too much protein. Don't get fat. Do physical exercise. Keeping the diet in mind, if you bring changes in your lifestyle. So one can settle with kidney stones or stones. Can make your life happy.


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